This time we'll be looking for functions and their addresses in IAT (Import Address Table) in one of kernel modules, e.g. Ntfs.sys
First you need to do in windbg is to view file headers of module and get IAT address :
0: kd> !dh -f ntfs
0 DLL characteristics
0 [ 0] address [size] of Export Directory
86674 [ 50] address [size] of Import Directory
17B80 [ 51C] address [size] of Import Address Table Directory
Then you need to find out module's start address:
0: kd> lm m ntfs
start end module name
b9e35000 b9ec1600 Ntfs (deferred)
And now when you know IAT directory address and module's start address you can look whole list of functions in IAT of Ntfs module
0: kd> dds b9e35000+17b80
b9e4cb80 806e69f0 hal!KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock
b9e4cb84 806e6940 hal!ExAcquireFastMutex
b9e4cb88 806e6aa8 hal!KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock
b9e4cb8c 806e6a4c hal!KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock
b9e4cb90 806e6900 hal!KfReleaseSpinLock
b9e4cb94 806e699c hal!ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
b9e4cb98 806e6974 hal!ExReleaseFastMutex
b9e4cb9c 806e6aa0 hal!KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock
b9e4cba0 806e6830 hal!KfAcquireSpinLock
b9e4cba4 00000000
b9e4cba8 b9ec3022 KSecDD!GenerateSessionKey
b9e4cbac b9ec2fdc KSecDD!EfsGenerateKey
b9e4cbb0 b9ec3002 KSecDD!GenerateDirEfs
b9e4cbb4 b9ec28f4 KSecDD!InitSecurityInterfaceW
b9e4cbb8 b9ec3012 KSecDD!EfsDecryptFek
b9e4cbbc 00000000
b9e4cbc0 8054705c nt!ExRaiseStatus
b9e4cbc4 804ec29a nt!FsRtlNormalizeNtstatus
b9e4cbc8 804e41b4 nt!CcFlushCache
b9e4cbcc 80535b9e nt!ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite
b9e4cbd0 8052e79c nt!RtlInitUnicodeString
b9e4cbd4 80546168 nt!InterlockedPopEntrySList
b9e4cbd8 8054618c nt!RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList
b9e4cbdc 804f7e92 nt!KeQuerySystemTime
b9e4cbe0 80546210 nt!RtlCompareMemory
b9e4cbe4 8056d1b6 nt!FsRtlAreNamesEqual
b9e4cbe8 804eb004 nt!FsRtlCheckLockForWriteAccess
As yu may noticed, it lists not only functions regarding to ntoskrnl.exe , so it seems like Ntfs module contains exports to a few modules like hal.dll , KSecDD and ntoskrnl.exe. To ensure, we may use PEtools utility ( see screen below):
By the way, if you are too lazy to use windbg :-) you can use PEtools.
Можно заюзать pykd. Есть два готовых скрипта для вывода экспортов и импортов указанного модуля:
ОтветитьУдалить3: kd> !py iat kernel32 *Ks*
Module: kernel32 base: 760d0000 end: 761a4000
IAT RVA: 1000 Size: de8
3: kd> !py export kernel32 Rt*Mem*
Module: kernel32 base: 760d0000 end: 761a4000
Export RVA: b4da8 Size: a915
Профит: можно все сделать не вылезая из отладчика