среда, 3 марта 2010 г.

Windbg is included in WDK 7.1.0.

It was a pity to read that WinDbg is included only in WDK 7.1, so you can not download it separately without downloading WDK 7.1.0, can you?

But, let's back to the topic:
New in Windbg, as Microsoft says (visit WinDbg page ):

Several bug fixes in extensions to only use public symbols
General BugCheck Analysis Updates including:
Bug Check 0x9F Update – Added logic to diagnose bugcheck 0x9F minidumps using new data in Windows 7 added to the 0x9F minidumps by the Kernel and Networking Teams.
Data includes:
- All Kernel ExWorkerThreads that process Power IRPs
- IRPs Associated with any ExWorkerThread
- IRPs Associated with PnP Completion Queue
- All Kernel Power IRPs
- Device Stacks for all IRPS
- NT_TRIAGE_PNP structure
BugCheck 0xFE Update - Add logic to diagnose bugcheck 0xFE minidumps using new to Windows 7 callback data added by the USB team.
Fixed user-mode minidump generation problem.
Fixed buffer overrun in schannel transport.
Fixed several kernel debugger transport issues.
Fixed problem with debugger reporting incorrect FPO information.
Allowed stack dumps deeper than 65535 if specified explicitly.
Changed ".outmask /a" and ".outmask /d" to be set only instead of or/xor.
The old ADPlus.vbs is being replaced by ADPlus.exe which requires the .Net Framework 2.0. For those cases where the .Net Framework isn't available we are still shipping the older version renamed to adplus_old.vbs. For detailed documentation of the new ADPlus.exe as well as for its new companion ADPlusManager.exe please see adplus.doc located in the same folder as adplus.exe.
It'd be great if someone could tell me how to download only windbg installation file without downloading a whole WDK 7.1.0 package .

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